When you log in, you will arrive on the Multi Events tab:

  • The “Events” tab will lead you to a list of all your events that have been set up on your Evenium platform.
  • The “Contacts” tab will lead you to a list of contacts of all your events.
  • The “Users” tab enables you to create accounts for your colleagues, so they can access the events.
  • The “My Account” tab enables you to modify the information related to your account.

 1. Events


On your Events list, you can:

  • Event creation
  • Exporting the list of events as an Excel file
  • Display all events
  • Display all current events (default setting)
  • Display past events
  • Search for an event

Please find bellow the explications of each column:
"Event Name": Access each event's details, contacts and it's website by clicking on its title.

"Website": Event access, it can be pubic or private

"When ?": Event Date

"Status": Event status (Open/Draft/Archived)

"Confirmed" and "Unanswered": Participants' status to the event

 2. Contacts

  • Add a contact to your database
  • Invite a contact to a specific event
  • Export the contact list as an Excel file
  • Import your contacts from an Excel file

  3. Users

Grant access to events to new users
For more information, please check the "Add a new user" guide


    4. My Account 

You can:
-In the sub-menu "My account": access to all your personal details and modify the colors of your back-office.

-In the sub-menu "My credits", see your remaining credits for all the events.

-In the sub-menu "My commands", generate a quote for certain specific options you wish to add to your event.