Here is the step by step guide to adding a new user account :

Once you have logged into your Evenium account, select the ‘users’ tab as shown below:

Once on this page, click on "add a new user":

There will be a pop up allowing you to enter all of the details of the new user (n.b. the red asterixes indicate compulsory questions):

Access to all events: This type of access gives the person access to all the events

Access to certain events: This type of access allow you to choose which events the person will have access to.

You can choose to send the login details to the new user by email by ticking the check box at the bottom.

Please note: An e-mail will be sent automatically to the new user prompting them to create their password in order to connect and activate their account.

Once the new users has been added they will appear in the ‘Users’ tab as shown below:

By clicking on the following icon :You will be able to select the events which they will have access to :

« Administrator » : complete access to the event platform, including modification of the website, registration form and participant list.

« Read only » : complete access to the event platform, however, no modifications allowed.

« Inviter » : access to the participant list only, including modification of the participants and sending emails.