To edit your registration form, please go on the "Configuration" tab and "Update registration form". 1. Set up your Registration form
This is how works the Registration form editor :
- Select and maintain the selection of the chosen field and move it to the desired placement.
- Insert into the registration form the fields to which the participants will have to answer.
- In the registration form, when going over a field, you can
You have 3 field categories:
- « Pre-defined questions » : most commonly used fields, already configured by the platform. You musn't change the labels.
- « Personalized questions » : several kinds of questions are available. When adding a personalized question field you are requested
to add some information : question, possible answers, whether the question is mandatory or not....
See examples below. - « Text and Layout » : separator (to space out two blocks), Free text zone, section title, Editable GDPR comment.
2. Pre-defined questions:
- 3 pre-defined questions are automatically inserted into the registration form and are mandatory : first name, last name and email
- These fields are pre-configured by the platform but they are editable by organizers.
- The participants' answers to the pre-defined questions can be found under the Logistics tab. (for more information, please see the
dedicated documents)
Warning: Before creating any question, make sure that it doesn't exist in the pre-defined questions.
3. Personalized questions
'Yes/No' question : type 'your question' . The answer to this question needs to be 'Yes' or 'No'.
'Free Text' Field : Ask a question with no pre-established answer. The reply is expected to be rather short.Select List Question : the participant needs to select ONE answer among all possible answers in the drop down list. You must insert all possible answers, ONE BY ONE, below ''Select.... ''.
Multiple choice question (Only one answer is allowed) : ask 'your question' and insert the 'Possible answers', one on each line. To add lines, click on 'Add'.
Multiple choice question (Multiple answers are allowed) : similar process to set up the multiple choices. Here you can give your participant the option to select several answers.
4. Text and Layout
"Free text" Field: Add text, tables, links and images to your registration form."Section Title" Field: insert titles to organize your registration form
"Separator" Field: Allows you to add space in between your registration form's blocks.
"GDPR" Field: changeable text which will inform your participants how you will use and stock their data.
5. Question Edition
1.'Required Field' : Allows you to make a question compulsory.
2. 'Layout' : allows you to change the way the question's answers are displayed in the registration form.
3. 'Make this field read only' : once ticked, the participant will not be able to change the content that has been pre-configured by the organizer.
4. 'Do not display the label or the question' : Only the answers will be displayed in the form.
5. 'Do not allow the guest to modify this if his/her status for the global event is:': The invited person can not modify the content of the question field if its status is: 'Will not attend/To validate/Confirmed'.
6. Specifics of the registration form:
- To modify the Registration's end date and the text that will be displayed when it closes, click on- To add languages for your Registration form, click on and select the button 'languages' by clicking on the corresponding flags.
- You can create guest categories and display the questions depending on your guest's category.
- Create your categories by clicking on
- Give your category a name and a colour to easily identify it.
IMPORTANT : The Excel file with containing your guest list shall indicate each guest's category (same title as defined in the registration form) in order to import this information.