Plus one Management is a section in the registration form that allow the participant to add one or several plus one.
With 'Plus one Management' you will be able to manage the plus ones and the persons their tied up with.

Step 1: Set up your registration form
Step 2: Confirmation auto. email
Step 3: Back office

        Step 1: Set up your registration form
Go on your "Configuration" tab --> "Update Registration Form".If you click on your "registration question", you will be able to tick the possibility to "bring a plus one".
Then you can allow a defined number of plus one.
If you allow only one plus one, you can ask the first name and Last name of this new person:Then "Update" and "Save"
WARNING: You can not ask the name of the plus one if your "maximum number" is greater than 1.

If you add a plus one, you will see the following image displayed in the registration form:
And if you allow several plus one, this will appear:

            Step 2: Confirmation auto. email management

Go on "Configuration" --> "Edit Emails"
You can add information on your plus one in the "Confirmation auto. email".
To do that, click on the little green "+" and add "Registration form summary". The participant will see all his registration info with the info of his plus one.
You can select the information of your summary by clicking on "Form data". From the popped up window, you can select the wanted date, even the plus one info:

                            Step 3: Back Office Management
When you adding the "Num. Persons." column in the "Participant" tab, you will be able to know the number reserved places by the participant. Thus, you can deduct if your participant brings a plus one.
Moreover, you can display the plus one's "Last name" and "First Name":