Editing the emails enables you to create and personalize the emails sent from the platform.
There are several steps to follow to edit the emails :
Step 1 : Setting up the emails (standard emails and new emails)
Step 2 : Setting up the languages
Step 3 : Mailing parameters
Step 4 : Email content edition
Step 1: Different types of emails
Go on "Configuration" tab –> "Edit emails", to personalize your email
a) Standard emails:
3 emails are pre-configured by the platform : Invitation, Confirmation auto and Declined auto. These emails can be personalised.
The confirmation auto and declined auto are automatically sent when a participant confirms or declines his/her presence to the event. You can configure this option by accessing one of these emails and ticking different conditions.
2) New emails:
You can create your own emails by clicking on: You can create as many mails as you want. This screen will appear, you can create your email based on a standard email or your own brand new email.
In order to create new emails based on previously-edited emails, (a reminder email based on the invitation email,as an example), click on "Save as..." and rename your email.
Your email will be duplicated and you will find it in the select list.
Warning : Do not forget to Save in order to save your modifications.
Step 2: Setting up the Languages
First of all, you need to define which languages will be used for your emails. So, click on "Languages", then chose the appropriate languages.
By ticking the bloc "Apply to all other messages", you can apply a change to all messages.
Then click on Update.
Once the languages are activated, a drop down menu will appear in your editor with the languages :You can select your email's edition language through this list, or you can also do so in the text editor itself :
Be careful when editing your email. You need to update the email's sender and the email's subject in the chosen languages.
By clicking on the item you want to modify, this window will appear :
Step 3: Mailing parameters
1 Modify the email's sender (sender's name – not the email address). Click on the name next to "From:"2 Insert either en email address, or the assistant/sales rep./Manager/Regional manager email field in copy of all emails.
For more information, please see the document 'Copying the assistant'.
3 Modify your email's subject.
4 Attach a file (of any format) to your email. Be careful : the maximum size is 5Mo.
Step 4: Email content edition
By clicking on the little green "+", this window will appear:
"Free text": Insert a text block
"Link to the event website": Insert a link redirecting to a page of your event's website. (Do not forget to select the chosen page)
"Registration form summary": Insert all registration form data
"Form data": Insert one or more chosen registration form information
"Assigned transportation info": Insert all data related to your guest's assigned Transportation info
"Assigned lodging info": Insert all data related to your guest's assigned Accommodation info
Note : By clicking on "Display conditions, you can set up advanced display conditions just like in the Registration form. (See the Registration Form notice)
By clicking on "Formatting", you can modify the entire format of your email.
- Insert a calendar that will book your participants' inbox's agenda
- Rename your email in the drop down list of available emails
Warning : Do not forget to Save in order to save your modifications.