These fields can be modified whenever you want :
- What?: The event’s name appears on the event’s website as well as on the emails.
- Title: name your event
- Short description: this information will appear in the description section of the agenda file that you can attach to the emails you sent to the participants. You can also add a block with the description in your website.
- When?: this information will be used for the agenda file that you can attach to your emails. The event’s dates appear on the website and on the emails.
- Where?: this information will appear in the agenda file of your emails
- Select an address: click on the button
to select an existing address
- New location: if you want to add a new address
- Who? :
- Organized by: contact details of the organizer - this field will appear as the expeditor of the emails and in the signature of those for that event. However, it can be modified directly in the emails.
- E-mail: unique email address on which all the guests’ answers and/or automatic answers will be redirected. This email address can be modified whenever you want.
- Global quota: limit the number of registered guests to the event. Once this quota is reached, all the additional guests will automatically be on the waiting list.
- Option: If you have subscribed to specific options (ConnexMe, Onsite, Satisfaction Survey…) on your platform, you will be able to tick them to activate them on your event. If you didn’t subscribed to any options, you won’t see this section.
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