Image Une image contenant texte, blanc, Police, conception

Description générée automatiquement

On this cell, once your image has been added, you can modify its dimensions in pixels directly on the platform, determine whether it should keep its original dimensions or take the page width or the full window width.

You can also modify the Border radius so that the edges of the image are rounder, if desired.


 In order to add it, please follow the steps below :

  • Click on the (+) button between two cell blocks
  • In the Content option of the Insert block, click on the Image logo Choose your image from your computer in JPEG, GIF or PNG format MP4 videos are also supported by this cell.
  • In More options, choose whether you prefer to keep the dimensions or adapt it to the width of your website.
  • Choose whether you wish to set up a border radius
  • Choose whether to add a background to your image or to add margins at the top and bottom of your image
  • Click on Add


                                Une image contenant texte, capture d’écran, logiciel, diagramme

Description générée automatiquement