Managing the transportation through Evenium's Facility platform enables you to manage the required transports for your event.

There are several steps to set it up :

Step 1 : Setting up the registration form with the transportation-related questions

Step 2 : Managing the transports in the Back Office

Step 3 : Sending the transportation details to the participants

            1- Setting up the Registration form

In 'Configuration' – 'Registration Form',  add the question 'Transport' under Pre-defined Models.a) Available transportation means

  • If you choose Plane : you need to specify the event's location : through the automatic search tool the airports' names will appear.
  • If you choose Train : you will need to define the stations' names.

b) Set up the possible Arrival and Departure dates
c) Transfer

This will automatically add the question : I will need a transfer upon arrival

Your question will be displayed as such in your registration form, (with the chosen means of transportation) :

See an example below : when the guest selects the mean of transportation 'Plane' :The participant can select the date, country and departure city. Or the guest can also:

  • Search to the flight automatically through the GDS
  • Type in the flight details manually

You can choose to deactivate the automatic search when configuring the transport block by ticking :

Note : The automatic search function only applies to flights.

            2- Transportation management in the Back Office

When your Registration form is ready and you have gathered your participants' answers, you can access their choices :

In Logistics – Transport on arrival, you can access the transport details relating to the way in
In Logistics – Transport on departure, you can access the transport details relating to the way out.

This screen will be displayed :

Assigning a transport to several participants

To assign a transport to participants, select these participants, and click on the button Transport :

This window will open :

You can add the transport details : its type, date and departure location, as well as number.

In Logistics – Transport on arrival and Logistics – Transport on departure, you will find the same functionalities that are in the Participants screen.

You can export your database with the selected transportation fields by clicking on:You can send e-mails with the button: You can look up guests in the database.You will also sorting options on this screen and the filters

            3- Adding transport details to the emails
You have the option to send the transport details to your guests through emails, previously to your event.

In 'Configuration' – 'Edit e-mails' : you can add accommodation details for each guest.

When adding a new cell by clicking on the little green plus, you can add the assigned transportation information to the email.
To find out more, please read the 'Email' tutorial.