The table management module enables you to manage the seating plan of your event. It includes the capacity to impose quotas for each table.
Follow the steps outlined below to set it up:
Step 1: Implement the module relating to the dinner on the form
Step 2: Configuration of the question
Step 3: Create the tables
Step 4: Attribute the participants to their tables
This guide goes over these four steps in detail
I. Implementation on the formIn Configuration – registration form, Add the pre-defined model 'Activities'.Once you add the module, the below window will open. It will allow you to configure the module 'Activities'.
Step 1: Choose your question type
Step 2: Configuring the module
1) Your question is a Yes/No question:
We recommend choosing this question type if you are managing the attendance at a dinner, and so might make use of the table management module.
Choose the name of the activity, its date and its quota.
After the quota has been reached, the invitees will no longer be able to register for this activity.
'Advanced' mode enables you to prevent your guests from changing their responses according to their attendance status:
2) If your question is a list of activities:
We recommend this question type to manage participants' attendance at several workshops/activities/etc.
NB: It is not possible to have the same activity twice on the same form.
After you creating your activities, you must then configure the questions:You will be able to:
- Change the question title
- Check your activity list
- Prevents registration once the quota has been reached
- Displays the number of remaining places
- Set up the number of possible choices
II. Configuring the module
When your form is ready, your participants can start signing up.
In order to implement the module 'Table Management', you have to configure the question on your form.
On the tab Logistics - Sub-events:
Click on the name of the event you have created.
Click on 'Advanced...'.The following window will open up:
Tick the box indicated in the image to activate the module table management.
III. Creating the tables
After you have configured the module 'Activity' to allow table management, you will be able to create your tables.
In Logistics – Tables: select the diner for which you want to create your tables.
You can see all of the guests who have confirmed your question concerning the table plan (for example, they have confirmed their attendance to a dinner).
When you click on '+ ADD', the following window opens:
The following screen is displayed:
If you click on the name of the table, you will be able to Modify the title and description of the table.
If you click on the number next to the name of the table, you can Modify the quota of the table.
IV. Attributing participants to tables
Once you have configured your tables, you will be able to attribute your guests to their respective tables:
In Logistics – Tables: you can see the list of guests invited to the dinner waiting to be attributed to a table.
Attribute the table to your participant. Do not forget to click on so that he will be attributed to his table. 'Submit'
You can export the list of participants who are part of the seating plan if you click on
NB: do not forget to set up quotas for your tables. The participants will not be attributed to tables that do not have quotas.