Dynamic display allows you to display a question on the registration form depending on a previous answer. 

Example: On your form, you would like the question “Dietary requirements” to appear only if the guest answers "Yes" to the previous question "Will you attend the dinner? » 

If the guest selects “No”, the field “Dietary requirement” will not be displayed: 

To set up a dynamic display you have to :

  • Go under the tab " Configuration " - " Update registration form".

  • Create your question (e.g. "Will you attend the dinner?") using the predefined activity template

  • Add a second question (e.g. "Dietary requirements" thanks to the predefined model)

  • Edit the second question (dietary requirements)

  • And click on "Display conditions" at the bottom of the question editor.

  • Then click on “Dynamic display depending on the guest's answers” 

  • Set the dynamic display by choosing your first question ‘will you attend the dinner?) in the drop-down list and the condition that will allow the display of the second question (dietary requirements) (ex: If the guest confirms his presence to the dinner by checking "Yes", the question "Dietary requirements" will appear).

  • Click on “Update”

On your registration form, the icon  next to your question indicates the dynamic display configured.