When you have a limited number of places for your sub-events (dinner, workshop...), you have the possibility to configure your registration form to respect your quotas.

To do that, you have to: 

  • Create your sub-event on your registration form with the predefined model “Activities”

  • Select the question :

  • When setting up your activity, select "Places limited to" and enter your quota.

Once the quota has been set, you have two options:

  • Lock the registrations when the quota is reached: Guests will not be able to register to the workshop in the registration form.

  • Placing guests on the waiting list : Guests will be able to register the workshop in the registration form but will be placed on a waiting list.

On the back office, guests who wish to participate in the sub-event will have "Waiting List" status for that particular activity..

It will be up to you to manually confirm the presence of your guests on the waiting list, if you have a new spot opening up, it is not automatic.

To do this you will need to :

  • Select the waiting-listed participant from the guest list

  • Click on the button “Modify”

  • Select the sub-event concerned in the list 

  • And change his or her status to “Confirmed”

CAUTION: If you send an email to your guests with the summary of the registration form, guests on the waiting list will receive their confirmation as confirmed participants even though they are not really confirmed on the activity they selected.
This is why we recommend to block the registration once the quota of an activity is reached.