Your website contains 4 menus by default:

  • Welcoming page 

  • Registration page

  • Practical Information

  • Guests 

For each menu, you can change :

  • The title: To customize the names and format of your tabs 

  • The menu’s position: To adjust the position of your different menus in the order of your choice 

  • Display conditions: To choose whether or not to display the menu depending on the guests’ categories

  • Page Visibility

: displayed menu: it is displayed for everyone (back and front office)

: under construction menu: it is not displayed in the front-office for the guests but displayed in the back-office for the administrator.

: deactivated menu. The menu is not displayed either in the back-office neither in the front office

Following the same principle, you will be able to create a new menu clicking on the button “add a new menu”. 

BE CAREFUL: don’t forget to click on “validate” and “save”. 

Note: You should deactivate a menu instead of deleting it. The deleting action is irreversible whereas you may restore the visibility of your page after deactivating it.