18 languages are available as standard on the Evenium Facility platform on the website, the form and emails :

A. How to add new languages onto the event’s website

The language is defined in the website via the Language tab:

which offers the 18 available languages. Choose your language by ticking the corresponding boxes.

Once the languages have been chosen, a drop down menu with all the available languages will appear on the website: allowing participants to choose the language in which they want to navigate on the event site:


B. Event’s website’s menus

To configure the menus’ titles in every languages you can click on the menu and then on the name of the page you want to modify, it appears :

C. Website’s content

Once the pages have been created, the content of the website now needs to be updated.

The translation into the different languages has to be done by you.

Click on the cell you wish to update, via

The cell text editor will open and on top of it will appear all the different flags corresponding to the languages you selected:


To edit the content in the different languages, remember to click on the flag of the language on which you want to make the change.


Remember to click on Validate, then save once you have made the changes.


Multilingual management on the registration form : 


The languages settings are made via the button

By default, these are the same languages available as those edited on the event’s website.


We have 3 types of questions on the registration form :


A. Pre-defined templates


→ The "Transport", "Accommodation" and "Activities" modules (except for the title of the activities) are all translated by default into the 18 languages.

→ If you wish to translate a simple question differently, you can do so by editing the question, via


The title of every question can be modified in each languages:  :



B. Custom Fields and Text and Layout


These fields must be translated by the organizer.

To translate a custom type question, you need to edit the question via :


A window will pop-up:



→ The headings:

Remember to update the question titles in all languages

→ The answers:

In the case of a yes/no question type, the yes/no answers will be translated automatically.


In multiple-choice question type, remember to update all the possible answers in all languages:


To translate “Text and layout” fields, the same operations have to be performed.

Remember to save your form once the changes have been made




A. Languages settings


First of all, you have to define the languages of your emails:

You click on Language, then you will be able to define the languages:


Then you click on Update

Once your languages have been activated, a drop-down menu with the languages will appears in your cell text editors: 

Be careful when you are editing your message, it is essential to update the sender and the subject of the message in all the chosen languages: 

To do so click on the item to be modified and the below window will appear:

B. Sending emails in different languages

a) You don’t know in advance your guests’ languages

You can set in which languages your email is going to appear for the guests who do not have any language information entered during the excel import.

Example: If you choose that your email "will appear in English followed by French": Your email will appear first in English (including the banner), followed by French and on both versions a link to redirect the guest on the event’s website in the selected language.

When you select a guest to send him an email, the platform will let you know if is has a selected language or not as follow: 

Note: Once the form has been validated by the guest in a specific language, he/she will be recognized as a speaker of that language and will receive all the emails in that particular language. 

Example: If your attendee validates their form in English, they will receive their confirmation email in English only.  

b) You know your guests’ language

The first step is to import this data during the initial import via the Language column in your Excel document.

The values to be imported must include the languages’ ISO codes:

Example: French: fr ; German: de ; English: en ; Spanish: es

For security reasons, it is best to display the Language column in your back office - to ensure that these have been well  imported.

c) Sending emails

Select the guests for whom you want to send out an email: then click on the email button, and choose the message you want to send :

Your guests’ language will be recognized : emails will be automatically sent in the guest’s language:


Once your languages have been set up, it is essential to carry out a series of tests to ensure that your event is correctly set up in all languages.

Here is the procedure to follow:

1/ Create as many guests as you have different languages (with the name of the language as a first name, for example).

2/ Send yourself the invitation email.

2 scenarios:

- You don’t know the language of your guest: check that you receive the email in the chosen languages, and click on the link of the language of your guest.

- You know your guest language and you have imported it into the database: check that you are receiving the email in the right language.

3/ Test the website in all the languages: check that the content is correctly entered and is the same in all the languages.

4/ Test the registration form in all the languages: check that all the questions and the associated answers are well translated. Also check that the content is correctly entered and is the same in all languages.

5/ Test the good reception of the confirmation emails: it must be in the same language in which the registration form has been validated. Check that the content of the email is well translated.

If you use the email templates that include a resume of the registration, it is essential to ensure that all the answers are translated into the right language.