Activity management enables you to manage the booking of activities during the event, including the quota issue.

When you create an activity it creates on the platform a sub-event.

You can create an activity by different steps:

Step 1 : create the activities on the registration form

Step 2: Activities’ management from the Back-office

Step 3: Sending out emails to your guests with their activities registrations’ information

1. Set up in the form

Under the “Configuration” - “Update the registration form” tab, add the question 'Activities' from the pre-defined questions.

Once the question is added, this window opens: it allows you to set up your 'Activities' question.

Choice of question type

 Setting up the question

1) If your question is Yes/No :

(This choice of question type is recommended for participation at a dinner, cocktail party, meal, etc.).

Define the activity name, dates, and quota to create an activity.

Once the quota is reached, guests will not be able to register for the activity.

The 'Advanced' mode allows you to prohibit the modification of your guest's answer depending on their status:

2. If your question is an activity list :

(This choice of question type is recommended for participation in several workshops, activities, etc.).

Define the title of the question (it is the header of your question) and then create a new activity or select one from the existing ones.

Create a new activity: 

Or select an activity:

Remarks: It is not possible to have the same activity on the registration form twice.

Once your activities are created, you need to set up the question :

You'll be able to configure:

  • The question’s title.

  • The list of available activities

  • Prevent registration if the quota is reached (setup by default)

  • Display the number of remaining places

  • The number of activity that can be selected by the guests

2. Back-Office Activity Management

There are several ways to get your guest’s sub-events registration summary:

1) Under the “Guests” tab:

→ By clicking on the following icon 

Select for your reports or excel export your activity’s status column

Filter under the “Guests” tab :

Only the guests registered to that specific sub-event will then appear 

Remarks: All data concerning guests can be exported.

2) Under the “Logistics” - “Sub-events” tab :

You will also find your guests’ sub-events registrations

By clicking on the red eye (on the left side of the activity’s name), you will find the list of guests registered to that activity.

In this tab you can:

  • Add new activities without adding them on the registration form

  • Filter and sort the sub-events for all the columns by clicking on : 

3. Activity information in emails

You have the option, if you wish, to send the sub-events registrations’ information in your pre-event summary emails.

Under the “Configuration” - “Edit Emails” tab: 

You can add the “Activity registrations” block in the emails by clicking on the green “+” in between the different fields of your email.

From this interface, you can customize the way activities are displayed in your email :

With the "Personalized" view mode you can choose what will be displayed on your email, as well as its position: