If you have subscribed to the module "Online Photo Album", this explanatory sheet is for you.

If you have subscribed to that module you will see on your event back-office a tab called "Photo Album".


On this tab, you have at your disposal a module allowing you to download photo albums by clicking on "Manage your photo albums": 

Once the album has been created, it is displayed in your album list. By clicking on the album name, you can add photos by selecting them from your computer :

By returning to the main page, you can edit the general settings of your albums.

In particular, you have the possibility to change the title of your albums (the title that your guests will see when they click on the album’s link form the event’s website).

Be careful, when you create an album, you cannot give it a name starting with a capital letter. 

However, this has no influence on the title that will appear on the event’s website page. Indeed there is another field in which you will be able to add your album’s title that will be displayed for your guests.

Once the modifications are made, you click on "Generate", you can then preview your photo album.

Once you have created all your photo albums, you can create a page on your website where your guests can view them.

If you click on a cell text editor, you can create a link to your photo album.

To do so:

  • Please type the name of your album

  • Then highlight the text and click on the "Insert / Edit Photo Album" icon: (ON NE VOIT PAS BIEN L’ICONE JE TROUVE)

Then select one of your albums from the drop-down menu and click on "insert".

Example of photo album :

When you click on a photo, it is displayed full screen with the possibility to save it, go to the next or previous photo or close it.