One-page :

To create a One-Page website, simply follow the steps below:

  • Click on the Configuration tab and then on Edit Website
  • Click on the Settings option in the top left corner of your screen
  • In the Template section at the top of the Settings page, click on the One-Page option

The One-Page website gives you all the information you need, on one page, on your website. 

The information is categorised in boxes and participants will scroll to the bottom and the top of the page to browse the content you've added.

Multi-page :

To create a Multi-Page site, simply follow the steps below:

  •  Click on the Configuration tab and then on the Edit Website option
  • Click on the Settings option in the top left-hand corner of your screen
  • In the Template section at the very top of the Settings page, click on the Multi-Page option

The Multi-Page website allows you to have several tabs on your website.

You can therefore add menus and categorise the different subjects covered on your site. 

Participants will click on each menu tab to browse the content you have added.