I need to copy/paste text from one page to another on my site, what should I do?
In order to keep all the formatting of your page, you can copy/paste the HTML code.  To copy/paste text from one page to another of your website you have t...
Google Map doesn't suit me, what can I do?
Your website is composed of four default tabs which are predefined and each have their own specificity. The "Practical information" tab on your we...
How do I delete the Google Map?
To remove the Google Map, you need to : Click on the menu editor at the top right of your menus Select the tab “practical information” in the list at ...
How do I add a Google Map?
To add a new Google Map on a page of your website you must : Click on the cell editor of the page of your website  Enter the text "Map" wher...
How do I preview my website as a participant?
To view your registration form, you can either go through the creation of a test participant or view the participant's form in particular through the we...
How to insert a link to an external site?
To insert a link to an external site on a page of your website you must : Place your cursor on the text of a cell  Then in the cell editor, select the...
How to insert a link to another page of the external website?
To insert a link to a page of your website, you have to : Place your cursor on the text of a cell  Then, in the editor of cells, select the text or th...
How to link a text and/or image to an email address?
Link a text and/or image to an email address, you have to:  Click in the cell text editor in which you want to edit this link Then, in the cell select...
Can my website be in several languages ?
18 languages are available on the Evenium Facility platform, To propose several languages on your website you have to: Go to the tab "Configurati...
Multilingual management
18 languages are available as standard on the Evenium Facility platform on the website, the form and emails : A. How to add new languages onto the ...