How to add a participant ?
Under the  'Participants' tab, click on the 'Add' button. Fill in the first and last name of your guest and then click on “Submit”. ...
How do I add guests in mass?
In order to add guests in mass, you can create an excel file and import with at least the below information: Last Name First Name Email address
I can't import my guests’ list, what can I do?
Check that all the fields on the excel file you are trying to import are also on the registration form (to do an import you need at least on you file: las...
I can't find some fields in my Excel file, what can I do?
Once the import is done, if you want to see the imported information, remember to select the columns you want to see on the 'Participants' tab.
How to delete a participant?
Under the  'Participants' tab, select the participant and click on the “Modify” button. A page to edit the guests will appear. Then you must cha...
How do I modify a guest’s registration?
Under the 'Participants' tab, click on the participant's name. A new window will open in which you will be able to modify your guest’s status by...
How can I modify my guests’ registration in mass?
Under the 'Participants' tab, select all the guests you want to modify and click on 'Modify'. A new window will appear on which you ca...
Some participants don't show up, what can I do?
You must have some filter activated on your columns. To see everyone, you need to deactivate those.  Click on the following button:   If you still don...
I can't change my guest’s email address, what can I do?
Click on the guest’s name, a window opens. Go under the 'Registration / Duplicates' tab.   You will have a new page showing all the guests with ...
I don't have a first or last name for my guest, what can I do?
The three mandatory information for the platform are last name, first name and email address. It is therefore imperative to collect this information before ...