Can the guest modify his answers after validating his registration form?
By default, the guest can go back to his registration form at any time and modify his answers. However, the organizer may decide to prevent any modification...
How can guests be replaced?
Replacement management allows you to authorize replacements on the form, i.e. to give the guest the opportunity to have someone other than him/her participa...
What is the purpose of the attend/not attend field?
The Will Attend/ Will Not Attend field of your form allows: Your guests to decline the invitation to the event.  The count of your confirmed participa...
How to create several websites?
On the website, you have the possibility to display pages according to the category of the guest. To change the display of your site according to your g...
Who has access to my website?
By default, your website is set up in private. It’s available only on invitation: only people to whom you have sent the invitation email with the personalis...
How can I personalize my website’s link ?
If you want to personalize your website’s link, we invite you to contact the Evenium Client-Care team (+33 1 47 70 90 35 / [email protected]) to set up a ...
How do I add documents on my website?
There are two possibilities to add documents on your website: Insert a link to a document Create a page dedicated to downloading documents
How do I insert a link to a document?
To insert a document on a page of your website, you have to: Place your mouse over the text of a cell Then, in the cell’s editor, select the text o...
How to create a dedicated downloading documents page on my website?
To create a dedicated downloading documents page, you should: Click on the menu’s editor of your website  Click on “add a menu”  Create y...
How to modify/add Menus to the website?
Your website contains 4 menus by default: Welcoming page  Registration page Practical Information Guests  For each menu, you can change : ...